Table 3. Results of simultaneous multiple regression analyses for change in voluntary physical activity (n=146).
b R R2 R2adj F2,73 p
Model 1 .53 .29 .27 14.08 <.001
â–µ General self .10 .22
â–µ Physical appearance .27 <.001
â–µ Physical self-concept .26 .001
â–µ Exerc. barriers self-efficacy .16 .05
Model 2 .36 .13 .12 10.55 <.001
â–µ Tension -.18 .03
â–µ Vigor .30 <.001
Model 3 .60 .36 .33 12.83 <.001
â–µ General self .08 .29
â–µ Physical appearance .23 .002
â–µ Physical self-concept .25 .001
â–µ Exerc. barriers self-efficacy .17 .03
â–µ Tension -.19 .01
â–µ Vigor .18 .02
The delta symbol (D) denotes change in score from baseline to week 12.