Table 3. Changes in haemoglobin, haematocrit, plasma volume, oxidized, reduced and total glutathione in blood and red blood cells (RBCs). Values are means (±SD).
Parameter Pre-COMP Post-COMP RECOV
Hgb (g·L-1) 139.4 (8.5) 137.9 (10.0) 130.9 (7.1)*** ###
Hct(%) 42.3 (1.6) 41.7 (2.3) 40.1 (1.8)*###
Plasma volume change (%) - -2.6 (6.8) 10.2 (5.1)
GSSG(μM·L-1) 89.5 (19.6) 94.6 (21.1) 99.3 (34.2)
GSH(μM·L-1) 1120 (129) 1114 (145) 1029 (153)*
tGSH(μM·L-1) 1209 (128) 1209 (153) 1129 (150)*
eGSSG(μM·g-1 Hb) 1.07 (0.26) 0.96 (0.15) 0.96 (0.25)
eGSH(μM·g-1 Hb) 10.6 (2.1) 10.0 (1.9) 11.4 (1.6)*
etGSH(μM·g-1 Hb) 11.5 (1.8) 11.0 (1.9) 9.6 (2.5)**
Note. Hgb – haemoglobin; Hct – haematocrit; GSSG – oxidized glutathione in blood; GSH – reduced glutathione in blood; tGSH – total glutathione in blood; eGSSG – oxidized glutathione in RBCs; eGSH – reduced glutathione in RBCs; etGSH – total glutathione in RBCs; pre-COMP – precompetition level; post-COMP – immediately after the competition; RECOV – 18-hour recovery period* p < 0.05** p < 0.01*** p < 0.001, different from pre-COMP.### p < 0.001, different from post-COMP.