Table 3. Comparisons of all self confidence group means and skills for three measurement times.
Group & Difficulty Group* Mdiff p† 
Forehand Clear 1 2 -.12 .68
1 3 .55 .34
1 4 .16 .68
2 3 .67 .29
2 4 .28 .62
3 4 -.39 .51
Backhand Clear 1 2 .28 .42
1 3 .21 .46
1 4 .16 .83
2 3 -.07 .72
2 4 -.12 .86
3 4 -.05 .91
Forehand Clear 1 2 2.44* .014
1 3 -.01 .89
1 4 .21 .81
2 3 -2.45* .014
2 4 .76 .80
3 4
Backhand Clear 1 2 .51 .26
1 3 -1.94* .022
1 4 .59 .25
2 3 -2.45* .018
2 4 -.33 .31
3 4 2.53* .018
Forehand Clear 1 2 2.18* .016
1 3 -.16 .78
1 4 2.95* .008
2 3 -2.34* .014
2 4 .77 .21
3 4 3.11* .001
Backhand Clear 1 2 .58 .24
1 3 -1.87* .026
1 4 .65 .22
2 3 -2.45* .028
2 4 .07 .63
3 4 2.52* .27
Abbreviations: = positive feedback and correct cues; = error cues; = positive feedback, correct and error cues; = control group. = significant mean difference, p<.05. = bonferroni correction.