Table 3. General dimension: Factors influencing impact of feedback.
First order theme Raw data Source
Communication style “She’s told you in such a manner that you think ‘how stupid!’ that you didn’t realise you were doing that. You know and it’s in such a way that you think ‘why wasn’t I doing that?’ you know” Dual interviews
Conflicting feedback “Instructional, slightly conflicted with the first game so am a little confused now” UFQ
Coping strategies “I sort of learned well this is what they’re going to do so obviously I’ve got to learn to cope with it, um, so after that it wasn’t a problem as I’d built in strategies to how to cope with it” Telephone interviews
Different assessors “It might have been nice to have had the same assessor a bit later on ‘cause as I say from mine there was sort of like no continuity, um, and I don’t know whether she was looking for the same things” Dual interviews
Perceived value “I hate having feedback but I recognise the value of it” Dual interviews
Timing “Well, in a tournament, if you’ve got a couple of minutes, and somebody who you’ve got respect for says to you ‘try doing this’ or ‘this might help’, you can put that into the second half of the game” Dual interviews
Respect for assessor “She was superb, totally different to the others. Very positive, very straight talking, and she delivers in such a manner that you come off there and think ‘yeah, I wanna take the next game ‘cause I wanna do this, this and this’” Dual interviews
Unexpected feedback “Negative and criticism. No positive feedback. Half time feedback when not expected undermined my confidence” UFQ
Misconstrued feedback “Found the feedback rushed, heard the word “basic” and completely crumbled” UFQ
Reputation of assessor “I’m not surprised the feedback was negative because I think they’re quite known for…I think they have quite a reputation” Dual interviews
Time constraints “My comment would be the lack of time to meet the umpire protocols in the space of a few minutes at half time. Within a normal game you’d have a bit more time, more than enough time to be given short, sharp, positive, beneficial criticism” Dual interviews