Table 3 Correlation (P-Pearson) between passive straight leg raise (left and right) with respect to pelvic position and score in the sit-and-reach and the back-saver sit-and-reach (left and right leg) tests in men and women.
Men(n=76) Women (n=67)
Passive straight
leg raise
Passive straight
leg raise
Left Right Left Right
Pelvic position
Back-saver left
Back-saver right
. 52 *
.47 *
.59 *
.49 *
69 *.
55 *
.64 *
.51 *
Back-saver left
Back-saver right
.56 *
.53 *
59 *
.51 *
.75 *
.70 *
.76 *
.66 *
* Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level