Table 3. Back foot maximal and average insole regional pressures (R1-R9) during golf swing performance with a driver, and also at ball impact.
Shoe Insole regional pressures (kPa)
R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9
Metal 39.7 66.0 16.4 * 51.6 7.75 67.8 * 65.4 70.5 78.7
Alternative 38.6 66.6 13.9 49.7 6.0 * 56.3 * †  67.0 77.5 * 77.4
Flat 34.9 66.2 12.2 * 55.3 8.4 * 67.1 †  69.6 66.1 * 82.7
Metal 23.5 35.3 11.6 33.6 3.3 46.9 31.7 34.4 43.1
Alternative 23.7 35.6 10.3 33.3 3.3 39.3 33.5 36.6 43.4
Flat 22.1 35.5 7.6 37.0 3.27 45.5 33.4 30.7 45.7
Ball Impact
Metal 16.0 21.7 * 3.76 18.7 * 1.79 26.2 27.8 32.4 * †  # 42.7
Alternative 15.4 23.2 3.95 21.6 1.92 26.3 28.9 35.2 * 41.1
Flat 15.5 27.5 * 3.18 24.1 * 1.79 25.7 27.2 29.7†  # 43.8
* and †  and # indicate significant difference between shoes within region p < 0.05.