Table 3 The results of kinetic variables. Data are means (±SD).
Low skilled (n=17) Skilled (n=13)
Lead foot VGRF(%BW) Address .50 (.06) .48 (.08)
Backswing .35 (.11) .25 (.09) *
Top of backswing .20 (.14) .24 (.10)
Downswing .33 (.19) .59 (.28)**
Ball impact 1.05 (.23) .90 (.28)
Follow through .78 (.17) .68 (.21)
Trail foot VGRF(%BW) Address .51 (.05) .52 (.11)
Backswing .76 (.13) .92 (.12)**
Top of backswing .83 (.14) .74 (.12)
Downswing .67 (.18) .60 (.15)
Ball impact .25 (.16) .38 (.20)
Follow through .25 (.14) .36 (.19)
Maximum VGRF(%BW) Lead 1.13 (.25) 1.09 (.32)
Trail .89 (.12) .98 (.09) *
* and ** denote p < 0.05 and 0.01 respectively between the groups.