Table 3. Means (±standard deviations) for degree of gait symmetry, quantified via the symmetry coefficient, for two groups of able-bodied subjects: (1) leg-length inequality less than 1 cm (n = 19), and (2) leg-length inequality equal to or greater than 1 cm (n = 7). Lower symmetry coefficients indicate less gait symmetry. The degree of gait symmetry was significantly less for sagittal-plane knee and ankle joint moment and power for subjects with a leg-length inequality that was greater than or equal to 1 cm.
Joint Measure LLI < 1 cm LLI ≥ 1 cm p value
Hip Angle .99 (.01) .98 (.04) .285
Moment .94 (.06) .66 (.37) .174
Power .81 (.14) .41 (.52) .069
Knee Angle .99 (.01) .96 (.08) .418
Moment .85 (.11) .55 (.41) .040
Power .85 (.07) .50 (.38) .035
Ankle Angle .97 (.02) .87 (.22) .064
Moment .98 (.02) .86 (.15) .040
Power .94 (.04) .69 (.31) .022