Table 3. Self-rated performance by self-selected music and music groups pre and post intervention. Data are means (±SD).
Pre intervention Post intervention
Self-selected Music Audiofuel Self-selected Music Audiofuel
“How well did you perform today?” 4.24 (1.64) 4.44 (1.61) 4.93 (1.36) 5.42 (1.16)
“To what extent do you believe your emotional state helped you during the run?” 4.24 (1.86) 3.89 (1.80) 4.59 (1.72) 4.94 (1.51)
“To what extent do you believe your emotional state hampered you during the run?” 3.66 (1.70) 3.19 (1.91) 2.66 (1.20) 2.94 (1.71)
Self-rated performance and impact of emotions; 1 = not at all, 7 = very much so