Table 3 Tibial slopes (°) of soccer players, of soccer players with or w/o ACL injury, and of controls according to leg dominance. Data are means (± SD).
Dominant leg Non-dominant leg
Soccer players (n = 64) 9.59 (2.80) 9.58 (2.70)
Control group (n = 45) 9.42 (2.81) 8.81 (2.92)
Soccer players with ACL injury (n = 10) 12.90 (2.73) 11.25 (3.52) *
Soccer players w/o ACL injury (n = 54) 8.98 (2.39) †  9.27 (2.43)
* p < 0.05 compared with dominant leg†  p < 0.001 compared with soccer players with ACL injury