Table 3 Backward method multiple-regression analysis of the associations of time at 10m with significant predictor variables in high-level male swimmers (n = 27).
Variables Unstd. Beta Beta t p R R2adjust Std. Err. Est. F P
Fmax(N) -.098 -.678 -2.870 .009
RFD50% (N·s-1) -.101 -.518 -2.596 .016
Frel (N/kg0.67) -1.272 -1.677 -5.085 <.001
RFD50%rel (N·s-1·kg0.67) -1.321 -1.596 -5.029 <.001 .887 .747 29.941 20.201 <.001
Abbreviations: F = leg extensors maximum voluntary force, RFD= Leg extensors specific level of rate of force development, F= leg extensors relative values of maximum muscle voluntary force, RFD= leg extensors relative value of specific rate of force development , Unstd.Beta = Unstandardized regression coefficients values, Beta = Standardized regression coefficients values, t = Standardized regression coefficients significance tests, p = Standardized regression coefficients level of significance, R= Multiple correlation coefficient, R = Adjusted determination coefficient, Std. Err. Est. = Standard error of the estimate, F= Multiple regression analysis significance tests, P = Multiple correlation level of significance.