Table 3 Factor analysis of the specific motor tests (F - factor structure; EV factor variance; PT total percentage of the variance explained).
F1 F2 F3 F1 F2 F3
STANDARD-T -.74 .47 .28
SEMILAT-T -.81 .36 .24
QUICK-T -.71 .51 .25
DYN -.68 -.02 -.25
STANDARD-Trel -.17 .06 -.74
SEMILAT-Trel -.25 -.38 -.61
QUICK-Trel -.11 -.38 -.72
DYNrel .93 .18 .10
PRECISION .49 .07 .64 .89 .05 .31
S20 .65 -.07 .31 .89 .25 .26
S10 .66 -.26 .44 .12 .88 .13
DRIVE-S -.74 -.53 .30 .25 .85 .16
2FAKE-S -.76 -.55 .06 .06 .87 .11
PASS-S -.83 -.44 .16 .15 .07 .64
FV 5.09 1.47 1.08 2.67 2.64 2.07
PT .51 .15 .11 .27 .26 .21
STANDARD-T standard in-water maximal vertical jump (thrust); SEMILAT-T in water maximal vertical jump (thrust) performed from the semilateral floating position; QUICK-T in water maximal vertical jump (thrust) performed with no preparation; DYN dynamometric test performed throughout eggbeater kick; PRECISION test of throwing (passing) precision (accuracy); S20 sprint swimming over 20 meters distance; S10 sprint swimming over 10 meters distance; DRIVE-S throwing velocity throughout drive shot; 2FAKE-S throwing velocity throughout shot performed after two fakes; PASS-S throwing velocity of the shot performed after receiving a passed ball; denotes relative values of the sport-specific motor fitness tests.