Table 3. Items of the PAB.
beginning of the items type of activity time frame
How many hours per week on average have you been …endurance with low intensity… …during the previous 3 years?
doing… …endurance with medium intensity… …during the previous 3 weeks?
…endurance with high intensity … …during your youth?
…sports with high impact of speed and/or strength … …between the age of 20 and 40 years?
…locomotion by bike or foot… …between the age of 40 and 60 years?
…above 60 years?
The beginning of the items was always the same, the type of activity and the time frame varied; Items were answered using a 5-point rating scale 0… 0 hours; 1…1 hour; 2… 2 hours; 3… 3 hours; 4… 4 hours or more.