Table 3. Multivariable linear regression models for accelerometer outcomes after data standardization; C.I: confidence interval. Values that differ from pre-standardized models are in bold font.
Outcome variable: sedentary behaviour
95.0% C.I
Covariates Std. Error Estimate p -value Lower Bound Upper Bound
Gender 4.591 .102 .053 -.120 17.95
Age 1.922 .264 .000 5.885 13.45
Aboriginal 5.777 .122 .020 2.088 24.82
Wear-time has been controlled by standardization of sedentary behaviour
Outcome variable: Light physical activity
95.0% C.I
Covariates Std. Error Estimate p -value Lower Bound Upper Bound
Gender -.049 -.958 .339 -8.031 2.769
Age -.349 -6.787 .000 -10.06 -5.538
Aboriginal -.106 -2.059 .040 -13.91 -0.316
Wear-time has been controlled by standardization of light physical activity
Outcome variable: Moderate to vigorous physical activity
95.0% C.I
Covariates Std. Error Estimate p -value Lower Bound Upper Bound
Gender -.133 -2.456 .015 -11.31 -1.249
Age -.095 -1.745 .082 -3.975 .238
Aboriginal -.107 -1.970 .050 -12.67 -.008
Wear-time has been controlled by standardization of moderate to vigorous physical activity