Table 3. Limits of agreement, coefficient of variation and difference percentage between means (%) between the standard combination (SC = 1, 2, 3 and 4) and all possible combinations derived from Linear 1 model. Data are means (±SD).
Limits of agreement Coefficient of variation (%) % Diff Limits of agreement Coefficient of variation (%) % Diff
1 and 2 -.12 (.47) 4.09 -5.67 8.91 (34.90) 16.00 20.03
1 and 3 .02 (.15) 1.41 .71 1.99 (14.89) 6.28 4.48
1 and 4 -.01 (.079 .23 -.66 3.45 (13.65) 5.86 7.76
2 and 3 .13 (.46) 2.10 5.89 -19.05 (72.02) 24.47 -42.81
2 and 4 .03 (.15) .67 1.58 -8.64 (35.32) 13.28 -19.42
3 and 4 -.08 (.57) 2.34 -3.73 3.97 (81.14) 35.04 8.93
1, 2 and 3 .02 (.16) 1.41 .88 -1.80 (16.39) 6.63 -4.04
1, 2 and 4 .00 (.07) .47 -.09 -.16 (3.39) 1.39 -.36
1, 3 and 4 -.01 (.04) .47 -.39 3.70 (23.37) 10.06 8.32
2, 3 and 4 .04 (.16) .71 1.78 -6.99 (32.19) 12.31 -15.70