Table 3. Baseline, pre-intervention and post-intervention body mass and USG, all the data is presented as means (±SD).
(n = 56)
Pre-intervention Post-intervention
CON (n = 28) EXP (n = 28) CON (n = 28) EXP (n = 28)
BM (kg) 78.5 (8.9) 78.4 (8.0) 78.5 (9.8) 78.5 (8.0) 78.8 (9.6)
USG 1.024 (.005) 1.023 (.005) 1.025 (.005) 1.024 (.005) 1.022 (.006) *
BM, body mass; USG, urine specific gravity; CON, control group; EXP, experimental group.* Indicates significant interaction between time and treatment in post-intervention. Significance was set at p < 0.05