Table 3. Correlation matrix between two conditions of slope for VO2 max (mlO2/kg-1/min-1), Heart Rate Max (HRMax, b/min-1), Ventilatory Flow Rate (VE, l/min-1), Energy Cost of running (Cr, mlO2/kg-1/m-1), Blood Lactate Accumulation (BLA, mmol/l-1), Step frequency (SF, Hz), Step Length (SL, m) and velocity at VO2max (vVO2max, km/h-1).
Cor. Coef. VO2max HRmax VE Cr BLA SF SL vVO2max
0% / 12.5% .77** .70* .94*** .10 .78** .73* .62 .88***
0% / 25% .88*** .64* .90*** .09 .74* .78* .72* .71*
12.5% / 25% .84** .79** .85** .78** .52 .93*** .91*** .89***
*: p < 0.05**: p < 0.01***: p < 0.001