Table 3. Operational definitions of skills, field position and outcomes characteristics and corresponding descriptors.
Operational variable Descriptions
Types of pass: The final pass played to the ball-carrier who broke the defensive line
   Short lateral pass Standard pass to the next player in the attacking line, within a 5m radius
   Long lateral pass Standard pass to the next player in the attacking line, further than a 5m radius
   Skip Pass Ball is transferred past the closest player to another further away
   Flat Pass Ball is transferred horizontally, so that the receiving player runs onto the ball when catching it
   Double-around Ball is passed to a player who moved from the inside of the passer to their outside channel
   Inside ball Ball is passed to a player running on the inside channel of the passer
   Lob Pass High looping pass
   Pop Pass Short pass initiated from the wrists, rather than the arms, to a player in the immediate proximity of the ball-carrier
   Quick-hands Ball is received and passed in one rapid movement
   Switch Pass Ball is transferred in the opposite direction of the previous pass
Number of passes: Number of times the ball is transferred between attacking players in each phase (n)
Pick and go: Ball-carrier gathers the ball directly from the set-piece or break down
Running speed (Wheeler et al. 2010)
   Slow Stationary or walking (no visible foot movement)
   Moderate Jogging (low knee lift)
   Fast Running or sprinting (high knee lift)
Running angle: Running line or direction of ball-carrier towards defence (Wheeler et al. 2010)
   Straight Ball-carrier runs straight at defence
   Arcing Ball-carrier runs in a wavy line at defence
   Lateral Ball-carrier runs laterally, from touchline to touchline
   Diagonal Ball-carrier runs in a straight angled line at defence
Change in speed
   Acceleration Ball-carrier increases running speed
   Deceleration Ball-carrier decreases running speed
Change in angle
   Straighten Ball-carrier changes running angle from any angle to vertical (relative to touchline)
   Turn Ball-carrier changes running angle from any angle to an angle that is not vertical
Evasion: Evasive agility step patterns of the ball-carrier (Wheeler et al. 2010).
   Side-step Agility manoeuvre initiated from the outside leg
   Crossover-step Agility manoeuvre initiated from the inside leg
   Dummy pass A feigned pass
   Dummy kick A feigned kick
   Decoy runner Non ball-carrier runs passed the ball carrier at defensive line, feigning reception, and drawing a defensive player
Field Position
   Zone 1 Between the attacking 22m line and attacking try line
   Zone 2 Between the half way line and attacking 22m line
   Zone 3 Between the defensive 22m line and half way line
   Zone 4 Between the defensive try line and defensive 22m line
   Right Between right hand touchline and the right 15m line
   Centre Between the two 15m lines
   Left Between left hand touchline and the left 15m line
   Retained The attacking team maintained possession of the ball in the phase following the line break
   Lost The attacking team were unable to maintain possession of the ball in the phase following the line break
Try The attacking team were able to score a try within two phases of the line break