Table 3. Bivariate Correlations among the enjoyment, motivational styles, trait sport anxiety, trait sport confidence, and subscales of the test of performance strategies-2 for the treatment and control groups. treatment group values are in bold.
Variables 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
1. Enjoyment .40 .61* .63* .51 .08 .39 -.35 -.01 .38 -.12 -.12 .01. .08
2. CMSQ – Doubt- Orientated -.32 -.35 .56 .19 .34 .71* .02 -.34 -.22 -.09 -.07 .24 -.05
3. CMSQ – Failure-Evading -.32 .42 -.30 -.10 .34 -.24 .43 -.05 -.45 .23 .13 .15 -.09
4. CMSQ – Development-Focused .32 .03 -.43 .81** -.03 .17 -.62* .20 .38 .10 -.43 -.22 -.21
5. CMSQ – Win-Fixated -.04 -.38 .17 -.33 -.04 .06 -.64* .29 .42 -.07 -.62* -.34 -.31
6. SAS – Somatic -.49 .79* .38 .26 -.46 .60* .48 -.69* -.70* -.37 -.02 .43 -.09
7. SAS – Worry -.04 .86** -.04 .25 -.29 .52 .42 -.65* -.55 -.62* -.16 .38 .11
8.SAS–Concentration/Disruption -.60 .48 .76* -.03 -.01 .78* .04 -.49 -.71* -.17 .43 .64 .45
9. SCI – Mental .79* -.79* -.53 .09 .22 -.88** -.47 -.80* .84** .59 .23 -.02 .38
10. SCI – Physical .60 -.42 -.88** .25 -.07 -.47 .02 -.82* .69 .39 .09 -.28 .18
11. SCI – Resilience .42 -.69 -.24 -.23 .02 -.82* -.58 -.65 .73* .27 .50 .19 .24
12. TOPS – Goal Setting -.01 -.52 .42 -.14 .48 -.18 -.78* .39 .19 -.34 .09 .57 .65*
13. TOPS – Relaxation -.56 .31 .47 -.19 -.37 .68 -.09 .71* -.34 -.68 -.47 .13 .81**
14. TOPS- Self-Talk -.06 -.69 -.66 -.05 -.08 -.50 -.53 -.51 .47 .48 .46 .08* -.25
** p < 0.01* p < 0.05