Phase of jump | Criterion | Total Scores Across Raters Mean (±SD) |
Kappa value |
Knee and thigh motion | 1. Lower extremity valgus at landing | 1.13 (.90) | .87 |
2. Thighs do not reach parallel | .40 (.50) | .91 | |
3. Thighs not equal side-to-side | 1.17 (.43) | .75 | |
Foot Position During Landing | 4. Foot placement not shoulder width apart | .25 (.49) | .77 |
5. Foot placement not parallel | 1.10 (.31 | .78 | |
6. Foot contact timing not equal | .06 (.24) | .65 | |
7. Excessive landing contact noise | 1.44 (.55) | .76 | |
Plyometric Technique | 8. Pause between jumps | .13 (.34) | 1.00 |
9. Technique declines prior to10 sec | 1.00 (.29) | .35 | |
10. Does not land in same footprint | 1.21 (.46) | .78 |