Table 3. Analyses of mediation effects.
Indirect effects 95% confidence interval Indirect effects 95% confidence interval
Lower Upper Lower Upper
MAp → LE -.01 -.02 .05 PAv → AG .14 .06 .22
MAp → FF -.01 -.01 .03 PAv → LE .07 .02 .17
MAp → PS -.01 -.04 .06 PAv → FF .08 .01 .19
PAp → AG .05 .02 .14 PAv → PS .07 .03 .15
PAp → DI .05 .02 .12 PAv → DI .11 .05 .19
MAp: mastery-approach goals; PAp: performance-approach goals; PAv: performance-avoidance goals; AG: aggressive; LE: low engagement; FF: fails to follow directions; PS: poor self-management; DI: distracts.