Table 3. Initial eigenvalues and total variance explained.
Factor Initial Eigenvalues Extration sums of square loading
Total % of variance Cumulative % Total % of variance Cumulative %
1 6.704 29.146 29.146 6.276 27.287 27.287
2 2.957 12.857 42.003 2.622 11.402 38.689
3 1.682 7.314 49.317 1.270 5.521 44.210
4 1.506 6.547 55.865 1.060 4.611 48.821
5 1.241 5.396 61.261 .884 3.841 52.662
6 1.080 4.696 65.957 .668 2.902 55.564
7 .858 3.732 69.689 .468 2.037 57.601
8 .749 3.255 72.944
9 .679 2.954 75.898
10 .638 2.772 78.669
11 .611 2.657 81.327
12 .554 2.408 83.734
13 .513 2.230 85.964
14 .465 2.022 87.986
15 .452 1.967 89.953
16 .386 1.679 91.631
17 .354 1.538 93.170
18 .327 1.421 94.591
19 .323 1.405 95.995
20 .273 1.188 97.183
21 .239 1.038 98.221
22 .223 .970 99.192
23 .186 .808 100.000