Table 3. Values for ROM max, NPT of Gastrocnemius Muscle according to each stretching condition. Data are means (±SD).
Variables Condition P-value Effect Size Observed Power
Control SS CS
ROM max (°) 24.7 (2.7) 29.4 (3.4) 28.4 (3.5) SS > CS > Control †  0.93 1.00
NPT of Plantar Flexor (Nm/kg ) 1.18 (.34) 1.12 (.32) 1.27 (.32) CS > SS † †  0.25 0.88
Dorsiflexion range of motion max (ROM max) and Normalized Peak Torque (NPT) after each stretching condition. Significant increases in dorsiflexion ROM max were found after Static Stretching (SS) and cyclic stretching (CS) compared with control condition. Significant increases in NPT were found after CS compared with SS.†  Indicates a significant difference in each condition (p < 0.05).† †  Indicates a significant difference after SS compared with CS (p < 0.01).