Table 3. Movement characteristics during match-play by position (mean ± 90% CI) relative to playing time.
Middle LinkM LinkF Wing
# efforts <5.00 m·s-1 (m) 24 (22-25) 15 (13-17)* 12 (10-13)*†  11 (9-13)b*
Average distance of efforts <5.00 m·s-1 (m) 6 (6-6) 6 (5-6)a 5 (5-5)ab 6 (6-7)abc
Maximum distance of efforts <5.00 m·s-1 (m) 27 (25-28) 25 (21-29)* 18 (16-20)*†  22 (19-25)ab
# efforts ≥5.00 m·s-1 (m) 5 (4-6) 2 (2-3)a 1 (0-1)b* 1 (1-1)c*† 
Average distance of efforts ≥5.00 m·s-1 (m) 10 (9-10) 6 (5-7)a 2 (1-4)b* 4 (3-5)bc*
Maximum distance of efforts ≥5.00 m·s-1 (m) 36 (32-39) 27 (21-32)a 8 (3-14)b* 14 (9-18)c*† 
Work: rest ratio (1:x) 17 (15-20) 24 (17-31)a 115 (78-152)*†  96 (61-131)c*† 
Rablelative playing time based on playing time in Table 1. Kruskal-Wallis test was used for average distance of efforts <5.00 m·s-1, # efforts ≥5.00 m·s-1, average distance of efforts ≥5.00 m·s-1, work:rest ratio.atrivial ES to middlebtrivial ES to link [male]ctrivial ES to link [female]*unclear ES to middle† unclear ES to linkM‡unclear ES to linkF.