Table 3. Power and velocity expressed in average and maximal values during the third set of the BP using the 2/0/X/0 and 6/0/X/0 tempos. Data are presented as mean ± standard deviation (SD).
Variables Tempo X±SD 95% CI of mean difference ANOVA
F p
Ave Power [W] 2/0/X/0 492.15±87.61 451.15-533.15 12.41 0.001
6/0/X/0 397.00±83.20 358.06-435.94
Velocity [m/s] 2/0/X/0 0.62±0.10 0.58-0.67 14.43 0.0005
6/0/X/0 0.51±0.09 0.47-0.55
Max Power [W] 2/0/X/0 713.10±132.72 650.99-775.21 13.55 0.0007
6/0/X/0 563.10±124.93 504.63-621.57
Velocity [m/s] 2/0/X/0 0.81±0.11 0.76-0.87 12.43 0.0001
6/0/X/0 0.68±0.13 0.62-0.74
Ave - average values, Max – maximal values, F - variance test (Fisher), p - level of statistical significance.