Reference | Intervention | Sample (n) |
Gender | Age (years) |
Experience (years) |
Type of study | Outcomes | Main findings | PEDro |
Contreras et al. ( |
Barbell hip thrust (HT) versus front squat (FS) | 24 | Male | HT:15.49±1.16 FS:15.48±0.74 |
Adolescent rugby and rowing athletes with a minimum of 1 year experience | Chronic (6 weeks) |
Sprints of 10 and 20 meters; Vertical and horizontal jumps; Isometric mid-thigh test | Hip thrust presented better ES for sprints of 10 and 20 meters and isometric half-thigh test | 8 |
Dello Iacono et al. ( |
Barbell hip thrust 50%RM versus 85%RM | 18 | Male | 19.8±0.3 | Elite handball players with 2.6 ± 0.8 years of experience | Acute | 10 and 15 meters sprint time | Both strategies statistically reduce the time in the measured distances | 7 |
Bishop et al. ( |
Barbell hip thrust versus control | 21 | Male and female | Intervention group: 27.36±3.17 Control group: 27.2±3.36 |
University athletes with at least 1 year of experience | Chronic (8 weeks) |
40 meters sprint time | The hip thrust did not shorten the time on the benchmark test | 7 |
Zweifel et al. ( |
Barbell hip thrust versus back squat e deadlift | 26 | Male and female | 22.15±2.2 | Not quoted | Chronic (6 weeks) |
10 and 40-yard sprint | Hip thrust reduced the time of the 40-yard sprint | 6 |
Lin et al. ( |
Barbell hip thrust versus control | 20 | Male | Hip thrust: 19.9±0.8 Control: 20.4±2.1 |
College baseball players with at least 1 year of experience | Chronic (8 weeks) |
Horizontal jump; Sprint 30 meters |
No significant difference reported | 7 |
Loturco et al. ( |
Barbell hip thrust versus vertical exercises | 16 | Male and female | 21.8±3.0 | World-class athletes | Acute | Vertical jump; Sprints of 10, 20, 40, 60, 100 and 150 meters |
Performance in the hip thrust was associated with the Maximum acceleration phase | 7 |
Dello Iacono e Seitz ( |
Barbell hip thrusts 85%RM versus optimal power loads | 18 | Male | 19.3±0.2 | Professional soccer players with 2.1 ± 0.3 years of experience | Acute | 5, 10 e 20 meters sprints | Both loads tested improved the test time, with the maximum power development load being even more efficient. | 7 |
Williams et al. ( |
Barbell hip thrust versus back squat and split squat | 12 | Male | 25.0±4.0 | 4.0±1.0 | Acute | Maximum sprints on the non-motorized treadmill; A horizontal and vertical force |
Sprint peak velocity correlated with horizontal force and peak ground reaction force only in hip thrust exercise | 7 |