Table 3. Metabolic and cardiac responses of the participants for each completed stage. Values are the 6 min averages of each stage and given as the mean ± SEM.
Stage (speed, km/h) O2 (mL/min) CO2 (mL/min) Respiratory exchange ratio Heart rate (bpm)
1 (4 km/h) 1039.83 ± 26.55 853.98 ± 21.32 0.82 ± 0.01 102 ± 2
2 (5 km/h) 1175.24 ± 30.21 1002.55 ± 25.77 0.85 ± 0.01 107 ± 2
3 (6 km/h) 1459.99 ± 40.34 1314.61 ± 39.91 0.90 ± 0.01 120 ± 2
4 (7 km/h) 1917.92 ± 54.03 1876.26 ± 57.79 0.98 ± 0.01 144 ± 2
5 (8 km/h) 2225.47 ± 63.09 2216.75 ± 64.59 1.00 ± 0.01 158 ± 3
6 (9 km/h) 2916.8 2881.3 0.99 194