Table 3. Changes in selected characteristics before and after the 4-week ice hockey training period in X-over design supported by on-ice or off-ice agility (n = 14).
(n = 14)
mean ± SD
Observed change
Mean; ±90% CL Inference
Weave agility (s) on-ice 17.7 ± 1.3 -2.9%; ±2.8% small ↓ ** [1; 17; 82]
off-ice 17.6 ± 1.1 -1.9%; ±1.8% small ↓ * [0; 30; 70]
Reaction agility (s) on-ice 5.7 ± 0.3 -3.1%; ±2.5% moderate ↓ ** [1; 7; 92]
off-ice 5.6 ± 0.4 -1.7%; ±2.1% small ↓ * [1; 37; 61]
CL = confidence limit with 90% confidence interval for the mean. Observed changes are percentages; baseline values are expressed in measurement units. Likelihood that the true effect is substantial:*possible, **likely. Magnitude thresholds: 0.20-0.59, small; 0.60-1.19, moderate. Numbers in brackets indicate the % probability of a harmful, trivial and beneficial effect.