Table 3. Pre- and post-program resting values (mean ± SD).
Variable Pre Post p-value
Systolic Blood Pressure (mmHg) 116.73 (± 11.53) 111.45 (± 5.59) 0.053
Diastolic BP (mmHg) 73.09 (± 8.92) 73.45 (± 9.84) 0.920
Rest HR (bpm) 83.09 (± 10.21) 79.27 (± 8.22) 0.273
Weight (kg) 72.95 (± 19.74) 73.00 (± 20.37) 0.956
% body fat 32.55 (± 5.57) 30.55 (± 6.31) 0.004*
* Denotes a significance of p<0.05.