Table 3. Regression results and mean differences in body composition estimation between BIAInBody 720 and DXA.
r R2 b Slope SEE TE Limits of agreement
CE±1.96 SD Upper Lower
Soccer BF (kg) 0.84 0.71 4.92 0.88 1.45 2.05 4.2±2.7 6.9 1.5
PBF (%) 0.72 0.52 9.20 0.70 2.98 2.54 6.4±4.3 10.7 2.1
LBM (kg) 0.98 0.97 -0.95 0.96 0.47 1.76 -3.1±2.7 -0.4 -5.8
Basketball BF (kg) 0.92 0.85 5.38 1.12 1.32 3.87 6.2±3.4†  9.6 2.8
PBF (%) 0.84 0.72 8.84 1.00 2.38 4.75 8.8±4.5†  13.3 4.3
LBM (kg) 0.99 0.98 -0.87 0.93 0.51 3.33 -5.3±3.6†  -1.7 -8.9
Handball BF (kg) 0.95 0.90 6.56 0.97 1.23 2.51 6.3±3.9†  10.2 2.4
PBF (%) 0.91 0.83 10.02 0.84 1.94 2.89 8.3±4.7†  13.0 3.6
LBM (kg) 0.96 0.93 2.10 0.89 1.08 2.24 -5.0±4.1†  -0.9 -9.1
BF: body fat, PBF: percent body fat, LBM: lean body mass. b: intercept, SEE: Standard error of the estimate, TE: Total error, CE: Constant error.†  Significant difference from soccer players, p < 0.05.