Table 3. The relationship between digital media use and physical activity – comparison between normal times and during COVID-19 interventions.
Media use variable During normal times During COVID- 19 Intervention
Effect estimate 95% Confidence Limits p-value Effect estimate 95% Confidence Limits p-value
Total digital media -0.103†  -0.157 -0.049 <.0001 -0.082†  -0.130 -0.033 <.0001
Smartphone -0.207†  -0.310 -0.104 <.0001 -0.104† , , † ‡‡ -0.210 0.002 0.0539
TV -0.299†  -0.429 -0.167 <.0001 -0.147† , † ‡ -0.259 -0.035 0.0103
PC 0.019† , , † ‡, † ‡‡ -0.072 0.110 0.6807 -0.049† , ‡‡, † ‡‡, ‡‡‡ -0.135 0.038 0.2692
Gaming console -0.177† , ‡‡‡ -0.412 0.058 0.1404 -0.207† , , ‡‡ -0.372 -0.043 0.0134
Total social media -0.155†  -0.229 -0.082 <.0001 -0.061† , -0.120 -0.003 0.0407
‡‡‡ working hours† ‡‡ second job;† ‡ vocational degree;‡‡ free time;Adjusted for: †  Sex;‡ age;