Table 3. Frequency and percentages of student-athletes’ concussion care-seeking/disclosure behaviors.
n High (%) Low (%)
Intention to Disclose Symptoms* 293 266 (90.8) 27 (9.2)
Perceived Control Over Symptom Disclosure †  293 275 (93.9) 18 (6.1)
Yes (%) No (%)
Self-Removal from Play 293 62 (21.2) 231 (78.8)
Continued Play 293 58 (19.8) 235 (80.2)
Disclosed All Concussions 73 57 (78.1) 16 (21.9)
* An intention score was dichotomized with agree/strongly agree grouped as higher intention and somewhat agree to strongly disagree grouped as lower intention (Register-Mihalik et al., 2019; 2020a; 2020b).†  A perceived control score was dichotomized with agree/strongly agree grouped as higher control and somewhat agree to strongly disagree grouped as lower control (Register-Mihalik et al., 2019; 2020a; 2020b).‡ Disclosing all concussions at the time of injury was only computed for student-athletes with a reported concussion history.