Table 3. PPLI-Sp rotated the factor solution and factor loading.
Items Factor 1 Factor 2 Factor 3 Factor 4
1. I possess adequate fundamental movement skills 0.997
3. I am able to apply learnt motor skills to other physical activities 0.821
2. I am physically fit, in accordance with my age 0.738
5. I appreciate myself or others doing sports 0.847
16. I establish friendship through sports 0.841
4. I have a positive attitude and interest in sports 0.806
8. I possess self-evaluation skills for health 0.864
6. I am able to apply PE knowledge in the long run 0.802
18. I aspire to know the current sports trend 0.612
11. I have strong social skills 0.887
10. I have strong communication skills 0.846