Table 3. Effects and interaction of Group and Technique on variables of economy.
ANOVA results Direct comparisons
df F p Partial η2 Obs. power Novices Swimmers Experts
PRT Group 2, 49 1.314 .278 .051 .271 1=2=3=4 and 2(=)4 1=2=3<4 and 2<4 1=2>3=4 and 2>4
Technique 3, 147 3.715 .013 .070 .798 All equally economic 4 least economic 3 and 4 most economic
Group x Technique 6, 96 5.057 .000 .171 .992
TLX raw Group 2, 49 11.065 .000 .311 .988 1>2=3<4 and 2<4 1(=)2>3<4 and 2=4 1=2>3=4 and 2>4
Technique 2.6, 127.3 20.423 .000 .294 1.00 2 and 3 most economic 3 most economic 3 and 4 most economic
Group x Technique 5.2, 83.2 9.001 .000 .269 1.00
TLX cog. Group 2,49 10.484 <.001 .907 1.00
Technique 3,147 15.952 <.001 .246 1.00 1=2=3=4 and 2<4 1=2>3<4 1>3 1=2>3=4 and 1>3, 1>4, 2>4
Group x Technique 6,96 8.529 <.001 .258 1.00 T4 less economic than T2 T3 most economic T3 and T4 most economic
RPE Group 2, 49 8.513 .001 .258 .957 1>2=3<4, 2<4 1>2>3<4 and 2=4 1>2>3=4 and 2>4
Technique 2.5, 122.2 26.964 .000 .355 1.00 2 and 3 most economic 3 most economic 3 and 4 most economic
Group x Technique 5.0, 80 7.511 .000 .235 .999
HR Group 2, 49 1.891 .162 .072 .374 1=2=3=4 and 2=4 1=2>3<4 and 2=4 1=2>3=4 and 2>4
Technique 2.3, 110.3 7.143 .001 .127 .946 All equally economic 3 most economic 3 and 4 most economic
Group x Technique 4.5, 72 4.304 .002 .149 .979 Experts
O2 Group 2,49 6.683 .003 .214 .898 1=2>3=4 and 2>4
Technique 2.5, 120.7 24.27 <.001 .330 1.00 1=2=3=4 1<2>3<4 3 and 4 most economic
Group x Technique 4.9, 78.8 6.97 <.001 .222 .998 All equally economic T3 lowest
Movement Quality Group 2, 49 35.114 <.001 .589 1.00 1=2>3=4 and 2>4
Technique 3, 147 10.365 <.001 .175 .998 1=2=3>4 and 2>4 1=2=3>4 and 2>4 3 and 4 most economic
Group x Technique 6, 96 6.978 <.001 .222 1.00 4 worst 4 worst
Abbreviations: HR = heart rate, RPE = rating of perceived exertion, PRT = probe reaction time, V̇O2 = oxygen consumption relative to head-out immersed body weight (mL/min/kg), TLXcog = cognitive subscale of NASA TLX. Techniques: 1 running, 2 flutter kick, 3 breaststroke, 4 eggbeater. Note: Bonferroni corrections used for post-hoc comparisons.