Table 3. The total work done (WTot) during pre- and post-intervention IEP; and the average of the mean velocity (M-Vel) and mean power output (M-Po) across the four sets of the repeated-sprint test held during pre- and post-intervention IEP in RSH and CON.
Pre-intervention IEP Post-intervention IEP F-ratios
RSH 253 ± 23 272 ± 20 a In: F(1,18) = 10.3 p = 0.005, ηρ² = 0.36
G: F(1,18) = 2.20 p = 0.16, ηρ² = 0.11
In x G: F(1,18) = 5.66 p = 0.03, ηρ² = 0.24
CON 279 ± 33 282 ± 34
RSH 4.05 ± 0.18 4.29 ± 0.18 a In: F(1,18) = 11.1 p = 0.004, ηρ² = 0.38
G: F(1,18) = 0.17 p = 0.9, ηρ² <0.01
In x G: F(1,18) = 11.8 p = 0.003, ηρ² = 0.40
CON 4.16 ± 0.18 4.16 ± 0.19
RSH 700 ± 66 804 ± 73 a In: F(1,18) = 12.7 p = 0.002, ηρ² = 0.41
G: F(1,18) = 0.03 p = 0.87, ηρ² <0.01
In x G: F(1,18) = 17.4 p = 0.001, ηρ² = 0.49
CON 762 ± 83 754 ± 99
Mean ąSD; Two-way ANOVA [Intervention (In) x Groups(G)]: F-ratio, p value, ??˛;a significant different from corresponding Pre-Intervention IEP value at p < 0.05.