Table 3. Description of the six-week plyometric training group plan.
Body region Exercise Training week
1 2 3
Group oneself times Group oneself times Group oneself times
First session Second session First session Second session First session Second session
Upper limbs ① Outbreak type push-ups / medium 3×12 3×12 3×14 3×14 3×16 3×16
② Throw the medicine ball in front of both hands / low 3×12 3×12 3×14 3×14 3×16 3×16
Total number of upper limbs 72 72 84 84 96 96
Lower limbs Mixed
① Exchange leg jump-both arms swing / middle 4×6 4×6 —— —— —— ——
② Explosive pad jump / low 4×6 4×6 —— —— —— ——
③ Longitudinal obstacle continuous jump / medium —— —— 5×5 5×5 5×6 5×6
④ single leg jump / high —— —— —— —— —— ——
Vertical direction ⑤ Legs continuous jump / middle —— —— 5×5 5×5 5×6 5×6
⑥ Exchange leg kick / low 4×4 4×4 —— —— —— ——
⑦ Squat and jump in split legs / middle —— —— —— —— 5×5 5×5
⑧ Leg longitudinal jump / low —— —— 5×5 5×5 —— ——
The total number of foot touches 64(16) 60(20) 75(25) 75(25) 85(25) 85(25)
Body region Exercise Training week
4 5 6
Group oneself times Group oneself times Group oneself times
First session Second session First session Second session First session Second session
Upper limb ① Outbreak type push-ups / medium 3×18 3×18 3×18 3×18 2×16 2×16
② Throw the medicine ball in front of both hands / low 3×18 3×18 3×18 3×18 2×16 2×16
Total number of upper limbs 108 108 108 108 64 64
Lower limbs Mixed
① Exchange leg jump-both arms swing / middle 5×6 5×6 —— —— —— ——
② Explosive pad jump / low —— —— 6×6 6×6 —— ——
③ Longitudinal obstacle continuous jump / medium —— —— —— —— 4×6 4×6
④ single leg jump / high 5×6 5×6 5×6 5×6 —— ——
Vertical direction ⑤ Legs continuous jump / middle —— —— —— —— 4×6 4×6
⑥ Exchange leg kick / low 5×6 5×6 —— —— —— ——
⑦ Squat and jump in split legs / middle —— —— 6×6 6×6 —— ——
⑧ Leg longitudinal jump / low —— —— —— —— 4×6 4×6
The total number of foot touches 90(30) 90(30) 108(36) 108(36) 72 (24) 72 (24)
Note: The number in parentheses indicates the total number of vertical foot touches per week.