Table 4. Acquisition of ephedra and creatine.
  Ephedra (n = 7) Creatine (n = 14)
Question No. Users No. ofusers (%) No. responding No. of users (%)
How did you learn about the supplement? 7*   14*  
Magazine   1 (14)**   2 (14)**
Friends   6 (86)   13 (93)
Online   1 (14)   2 (14)
Coach   0 (0)   2 (14)
Other   1 (14)   0 (0)
Where did you purchase the supplement? 7   14*  
Gym   0 (0)**   1 (7)**
Online   1 (14)   1 (7)
Store   1 (14)   11 (79)
Friends   4 (57)   2 (14)
Coach   0 (0)   0 (0)
Other***   1 (14)   0 (0)
* Some participants had multiple sources of acquisition. **Percentages greater or less than 100% because of rounding or multiple sources of information.