Table 4. p-values for the differences into electric activity (maximal amplitude of EMG - AmaxEMG; integral EMG signal - iEMG) from different drop heights (40cm, 60cm and 80cm), for the five muscles: m.gastrocnemius laterlis (GL), m.gastrocnemius medialis (GM), m.soleus (S), m.vastus lateralis (VL) and m.tibialis anterior (TA).
40-60cm 60-80cm 40-80cm
GL AmaxEMG .191 .342 .028
GM AmaxEMG .593 .029 .103
S AmaxEMG .327 .212 .030
VL AmaxEMG .130 .237 .009
TA AmaxEMG .710 .003 .001
GL iEMG .189 .550 .062
GM iEMG .618 .081 .221
S iEMG .072 .285 .005
VL iEMG .339 .222 .034
TA iEMG .602 .029 .008