Table 4. General dimension: Feedback preferences.
First order theme Raw data Source
Competition/Training “In terms of competition my own belief is that feedback should only occur at the end of a game whereas for example if it’s a training session then in that sense that’s a better opportunity to provide interval feedback for the umpires’ development. They’re less stressed so are more able to take the information in” Telephone interviews
Constructive “It has to be constructive, um, if its not you just think ‘well sod off’ (laughter)” Dual interviews
Instructional “Instructional – clear direction was given on what I needed to work on and improve” UFQ
Motivational Used motivational feedback which raised my confidence and self esteem” UFQ
Mixed feedback “Instructional feedback and positive feedback was used predominantly throughout the 1:1 feedback. I found that using these methods gave clarification on the situation and built my self esteem that I could achieve what has been asked of me” UFQ
Negative “It didn’t matter what they would have said and how long they’d have spoken for ‘cause I wouldn’t listen to negative feedback anyway” Dual interviews
Positive “Very positive, I felt it lifted my game” UFQ
Provided by practising umpires/assessors “There are certain personnel that I have respect for and with due respect for some of the mentors, they are not actively practising and they have been out of the game for a long time” Dual interviews
Qualified to highest standard “They can test maybe at a lower level without um, and maybe, I don’t know, be instructive and good and what have you, but perhaps when they’re mentoring on their own level they find it hard” Dual interviews
Timing “My own personal preference is for feedback at the end of the game as when you receive feedback at intervals, quite often at that level the games are already very pressurised and the last thing you want to do is listen to someone say well you’ve got to do ‘X, Y’ and ‘Z’” Telephone interviews