Table 4. Inter-lap distance effect on stroking and coordination parameters.
V (m·s-1) SR (Hz) SL (m) IdC (%) A (%) B (%) C (%) D (%) Ppr (%)
50 1.35 (.08) .63 (.06) 2.16 (.25) 15.4 (2.9) 41.8 (3.6) 14.7 (2.4) 19.7 (1.2) 23.9 (2.6) 34.4 (2.9)
100 1.25 (.07) .59 (.06) 2.12 (.24) 15.9 (2.3) 44.1 (3.3) 14.3 (2.2) 19.9 (1.5) 21.7 (2.5) 34.2 (2.1)
150 1.25 (.07) .60 (.06) 2.12 (.26) 15.9 (2.3) 43.7 (4.0) 14.4 (3.0) 19.8 (1.6) 22.2 (2.5) 34.2 (2.4)
Distance 200 1.24 (.06) .59 (.05) 2.11 (.22) 15.7 (2.3) 44.2 (3.2) 14.1 (2.6) 20.0 (1.8) 21.7 (2.3) 34.1 (2.2)
250 1.25 (.06) .60 (.05) 2.12 (.21) 15.4 (1.5) 43.8 (3.5) 14.6 (2.6) 20.1 (2.0) 21.5 (2.7) 34.7 (1,6)
300 1.24 (.07) .60 (.05) 2.08 (.24) 15.5 (2.4) 44.3 (3.4) 14.0 (2.4) 20.3 (1.7) 21.4 (2.3) 34.3 (2.3)
350 1.25 (.06) .61 (.04) 2.07 (.18) 15.0 (2.4) 43.6 (3.7) 14.9 (2.9) 20.2 (2.0) 21.3 (2.5) 35.1 (2.4)
400 1.25 (.09) .62 (.05) 2.04 (.19) 15.6 (2.6) 44.0 (4.0) 14.5 (2.9) 20.0 (1.7) 21.5 (2.4) 34.4 (2.7)
* NS * NS * NS NS * NS
Gender Women 1.22 (.01) .60 (.01) 2.05 (.03) 16.8 (.3) 44.8 (.5) 13.0 (.4) 20.2 (.2) 22.1 (.4) 332 (.3)
Men 1.29 (.01) .60 (.01) 2.15 (.03) 14.2 (.3) 42.6 (.4) 15.9 (.2) 19.8 (.2) 21.7 (.3) 35.7 (.3)
σ NS σ σ σ σ NS NS σ
* trial distance effect with p < 0.05. σ : gender effect with p < 0.05. NS: non-significant change. V: velocity; SR: stroke rate; SL: Stroke length; IdC: Index of coordination; A: catch phase; B: pull phase; C: push phase; D: recovery phase; Ppr: arm propulsive time.