Table 4. Phase related kinematic and kinetic data for male 5H subject.
Male Scratch
Data Type
Phase I Phase II Phase III
End Value % Change End Value % Change Ball Contact % Change
Club Head Vel 32.2% +32.2% 88.5% +56.3% 100% +11.5%
Grip Velocity 37.4% +37.4% 100% +62.6% 97.1% -2.9%
Grip Accel 39.7% +22.9% 86.8% +47.1% 100% +13.2%
Tang Accel 41.2% +35.5% 100% +58.8% -12.1% -112.1%
Normal Accel 30.2% +30.2% 71.9% +41.7% 100% +28.1%
Swing Torque 66.7% +37.0% 100% +33.3% 8.2% -91.8%
Mag of Force 15.4% +12.6% 85.0% +69.6% 100% +15.0%
Tang Force 59.3% +49.0% 100% +40.7% 6.7% -93.3%
Normal Force 14.2% +14.2% 31.3% +17.1% 100% +68.7%
Total Work 37.3% +37.3% 95.2% +47.9% 100% +4.8%
Linear Work 53.3% +53.3% 94.4% +43.1% 100% +5.6%
Angular Work 21.7% +21.7% 96.2% +72.5% 100% +3.8%
Total Power 26.7% +26.7% 100% +73.3% 0% -100%
Linear Power 34.1% +34.1% 100% +65.9% 0% -100%
Angular Power 19.6% +19.6% 100% +80.4% 0% -100%