Table 4. Blood mean velocity (cm·sec) of the experimental and control groups. Data are means (±SD).
Artery JMA MCG p Value JFA FCG p Value
BA 73.7 (2.5) * 69.0 (2.4) < .001 70.5 (1.8) †  65.4 (5.2) <.05
RA 57.5 (3.4) * 52.4 (3.3) <.001 57.2 (2.4) †  53.6 (1.6) <.001
UA 57.4 (3.1) * 51.0 (2.0) <.001 56.1 (2.7) †  50.1 (1.5) <.001
PA 50.3 (2.7) * 44.1 (3.0) <.001 48.7 (1.3) †  43.4 (1.3) <.001
ATA 44.0 (2.2) * 39.4 (1.2) <.001 43.4 (1.8) †  39.3 (1.3) <.001
PTA 48.0 (2.9) * 43.3 (2.2) <.001 44.2 (2.2) †  41.2 (1.5) <.05
BA = brachial artery; RA = radial artery; UA = ulnar artery; PA = popliteal artery; ATA = anterior tibial artery; PTA = posterior tibial artery; JMA = judo male athletes; MCG = male control group; JFA = judo female athletes; FCG = female control group. * Significant difference comparing JMA and MCG (p < 0.05). †  Significant difference comparing JFA and FCG (p < 0.05).