Table 4. Values of fluid intake, estimated sweat loss, changes in body mass (BM) and urine output for volunteers who completed the tests. Men (n=16) Women (n = 14). Data are means (±SD).
Sweat Loss
Fluid Intake,
BM change,
BM change,
Urine Volume,
Men HV 1.21 (.27) 1.04 (.09) * -.17 (.31) * -.26 (.48) * .19 (.21)
LV 1.18 (.23) †  .70 (.07) †  -.48 (.22) †  -.69 (.34) †  .13 (.1 0)
Women HV .83 (.21) †  .89 (.11) *†  .06 (.21)*†  .09 (.36) *†  .20 (.15) *
LV .77 (.17) .59 (.07) -.17 (.16) -.29 (.29) .11 (.10)
* p < 0.001 significantly different to LV within sex.†  p < 0.001 significantly different to opposite sex within treatment.