Table 4 Variance of MRT with different velocities, volley types and illumination levels (s).
Source SS df MS F
Ball Velocity(A) 7.6291004E-6 1 7.6291004E-6 .02
S*A .01435372 29 .00049496
Volley(B) .00001215 1 .00001215 .04
S* B .00998857 29 .00034443
Illumination(C) .00142686 1 .00142686 3.89
S* C .01063019 29 .00036656
Ball Velocity* Volley(A* B) .00034991 1 .00034991 1.24
S*A* B .00816032 29 .00028139
Ball Velocity* Illumination (A* C) .00017577 1 .00017577 .42
S* A* C .01208792 29 .00041682
Volley* Illumination(B* C) .00039273 1 .00039273 1.02
S* B* C .01120045 29 .00038622
Ball Velocity* Volley* Illumination(A* B* C) .00076752 1 .00076752 2.35
S* A* B*C .00945517 29 .00032604
Total .10048447 239