Table 4. Data extracted about data and register method, participants consulted, analysis before the modification and rules modified.
Variables n %
Data and register methods
  Game action during game 23 48.49
  Game action, by test 7 14.89
  Injuries during game 6 12.76
  Injuries, by questionnaire 5 10.64
  Psychological variables, by questionnaire 3 6.38
  Game statistics 3 6.38
  Physiological parameters during the game 3 6.38
  Physiological and anthropometric parameters, by test 3 6.38
  Mechanical variables, utilizing power plates and accelerometers 2 4.25
  Result of the games 1 2.13
  Not mentioned 2 4.25
Were participants consulted?
  Yes 4 8.51
  No 43 91.49
Was there an analysis before the modification?
  Yes 12 25.53
  No 2 4.25
  Not mentioned 33 70.21
Modified rules
  Internal logic 35 74.47
  Structural 25 71.43
    Functional 8 22.86
    Structural and functional 2 4.25
    External logic 7 14.89
  Internal and external logic 3 6.38
  Not mentioned 2 4.25