Table 4. Therapeutic effects of different treatments for chronic tendinopathies.
Treatment Efficacy on pain
Efficacy on pain
Effect on recidivation
Rest & ice ++ - -
NSAIDs ++ - to ± -
Passive physiotherapy (US, DTFM, acupuncture…) ± to + - -
Orthotic devices + ± -
Corticosteroid injections +++ - to ± -
Eccentric training + +++ ++
ESWT ++ ++ to +++ + (?)
Sclerosant injections ++ ++ (?) ?
BTA injections ++ + (?) ?
Injections of blood or PRP ± to + +++ (?) ?
Topical NO therapy ++ +++ (?) ?
Injections of MMP-inhibitor ++ ++ (?) ?
Stem-cell or gene therapy ? ? ?
-: no efficacy±: little efficacy+: good efficacy++: very good efficacy+++: excellent efficacy(?): need more trials?: efficacy unknown