Table 4. Differences between Parkour roll landings and traditional landings (roll - traditional), including qualitative inferences about the effects of those differences.
p value Diff in means as
Diff. in means as %
90% confidence levels
Cohen ES Qualitative
(%) lower Upper inferences of ES
mVF (BW) .0001* -42.9 -50.5 -34.1 -2.04 very large-large
Time to mVF (s) .0092* 78.6 29.5 146.5 .99 small-large
Loading rate (BW/s) .0010* -62.8 -74.5 -45.6 -1.54 very large-moderate
* = statistically significant difference (p < 0.05).mVF = maximal vertical force, BW = body weight, Diff. = difference, ES = effect size,