Table 4. Sport nutrition factors (F – frequency; % - percentage) and differences between genders (KW – Kruskal Wallis test).
Females Males KW
F % F %
Consumption of the nutritional supplements (NS) Yes (1) 13 30.2 7 33.3
Yes. but not regularly (2) 30 69.8 9 42.9
No (3) 0 0.0 4 19.0 1.02
Missing 0 0.0 1 4.8
Trust in coaches regarding NS Yes 29 67.4 12 57.1
No 14 32.6 8 38.1
Trust in physicians regarding NS Yes 31 72.1 13 61.9 31
No 12 27.9 7 33.3 12
Missing 0 0.0 1 4.8 0
Primary source of information on nutrition and NS supplements I have no knowledge on this problem 5 11.6 2 9.5
Coach 24 55.8 12 57.1
Formal education (school, professional seminars. etc.) 14 32.6 5 23.8
Self-education (internet, literature, etc.) 2 9.5
Number in parenthesis present ordinal value for each answer.