Table 4. KOOS subscales. Data are means (±SD)
Baseline Follow-up
Parameters SG CG SG CG
Pain 38.23 (11.03) 37.42 (10.48) 84.02 (6.95) 86.04 (5.43)
Other symptoms 41.75 (10.54) 42.92 (12.49) 87.11 (6.54) 86.39 (6.74)
Activities of daily living 29.92 (11.72) 27.74 (9.62) 66.83 (7.40) 64.05 (8.48)
Sport and recreation function 6.37 (5.26) 7.03 (6.51) 88.41 (8.57) 83.24 (9.29) *
Quality of life 27.45 (7.38) 29.63 (5.72) 90.54 (10.39) 88.76 (9.54)
SG = study group; CG = control group. indicates significant (p < 0.05) differences compared to SG.