Table 4 Analysis of the differences between playing positions in the specific motor tests and anthropometric variables (KW Kruskal Wallis H value; * denotes significant differences).
Centres (n = 5) Points (n=11) Outer players (n=38)
Mean Std.Dev. Mean Std.Dev. Mean Std.Dev. KW (H)
STANDARD-T 134.78 10.31 147.34 7.58 140.55 19.66 6.95*
SEMILAT-T 139.39 22.54 145.73 11.70 138.20 14.76 2.69
QUICK-T 133.87 15.61 133.70 9.97 131.36 15.16 .69
DYN 24.43 4.30 27.83 7.68 28.20 9.54 4.74
PRECISION 34.02 9.13 33.28 5.13 29.85 5.18 .98
S20 11.65 0.48 11.26 0.47 11.39 0.62 1.90
S10 5.82 0.31 5.62 0.45 5.64 0.51 1.22
DRIVE-S 67.40 6.62 68.18 3.89 66.76 5.60 .52
2FAKE-S 64.00 5.66 65.82 3.68 63.71 6.00 .82
PASS-S 67.20 6.18 68.27 4.00 64.97 5.98 3.09
BH 190.48 8.46 188.13 4.02 183.51 6.58 7.73*
BW 92.70 11.67 86.82 7.36 80.73 9.40 6.95*
BMI 25.50 2.28 24.51 1.59 23.93 2.15 2.55
STANDARD-Trel .71 .04 .78 .05 .76 .09 6.89*
SEMILAT-Trel .73 .10 .77 .06 .75 .07 1.53
QUICK-Trel .70 .06 .71 .05 .71 .07 .38
DYNrel .36 .07 .38 .06 .37 .05 .34
STANDARD-T standard in-water maximal vertical jump (thrust); SEMILAT-T in water maximal vertical jump (thrust) performed from the semilateral floating position; QUICK-T in water maximal vertical jump (thrust) performed with no preparation; DYN dynamometric test performed throughout eggbeater kick; PRECISION test of throwing (passing) precision (accuracy); S20 sprint swimming over 20 meters distance; S10 sprint swimming over 10 meters distance; DRIVE-S throwing velocity throughout drive shot; 2FAKE-S throwing velocity throughout shot performed after two fakes; PASS-S throwing velocity of the shot performed after receiving a passed ball; BH body height; BW body weight; BMI body mass index; denotes relative values of the sport-specific motor fitness tests